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Here you will find the latest stories and articles from ResilienSEA team or partners. Please do not hesitate to get in touch with us if you would like to hear more or contribute your own work.

15Apr 21

Seagrass beds integrated in Cabo Verde’s NDCs

Cabo Verde is the 7th country to update its nationally determined contributions (NDCs) in 2021, with the particularity of integrating seagrass beds in the efforts to reduce its national emissions and adapt to the effects of climate change.

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07Apr 21

ResilienSEA Scholarship Two Years On

A lot has changed since November 2019, when the ResilienSEA project awarded four seagrass research scholarships to master’s students. However, the recipients’ determination to complete their programs and protect seagrass ecosystems has not.

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14Feb 20

Hunting for seagrass in Sierra Leone Melissa Ndure didn’t know much about seagrass before her trip to Senegal to take part in a workshop with the ResilienSEA project. In fact, the senior environment officer with Sierra Leone’s Environmental…

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18Dec 19

Finding treasure in the Turtle Islands

An expedition documents seagrasses in Sierra Leone for the first time. Are there seagrasses in Sierra Leone? Up until last week, that was an unanswered question. While the 2003 World…

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