Here you will find the latest resources from the ResilienSEA team or from the national implementation teams and partners. Please do not hesitate to get in touch with us if you would like to hear more or contribute your own work.

Training Manual for the Monitoring and Management of Seagrass in West Africa
Training Manual for Seagrass Monitoring and Management in the RAMPAO Region

Final Evaluation – WA6 Conserving Seagrass Beds 2018-2022
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Final Project Evaluation (PDF)
This evaluation document outlines the key activities and impact of the ResilienSEA project from 2018-2022.

Seagrasses of West Africa
Seagrasses of West Africa
Explore the three species of seagrasses commonly found in West Africa: Halodule wrightii, Cymodocea nodosa, and Zostera noltii

Seagrass Training Manual
General objective of the training:
Participants will study seagrass biology, learn seagrass taxonomy, discuss seagrass ecology, gain knowledge of monitoring and become skilled at conducting a field monitoring event. This training course is for scientists/managers who plan to establish new monitoring sites, lead and co-ordinate monitoring events, map seagrass meadows, conduct data entry, and raise seagrass awareness among local communities/end users.

High Level Assessment of Seagrass Ecosystem Services in West Africa Perception of Stakeholders
Seagrasses provide valuable ecosystem services–benefits to humans–but are now being lost globally at rapid rates due mainly to anthropogenic stressors. Ecosystem services are defined as the benefits that humans derive from the environment, in this case, from seagrass ecosystems. This report provides an initial assessment of seagrass ecosystem services in seven countries of West Africa, including Mauritania, Senegal, The Gambia, Guinea Bissau, Guinea, Cape Verde and Sierra Leone.

Panorama Solution: Participatory maritime surveillance within the Banc d’Arguin National Park
The Banc d’Arguin National Park (PNBA) is one of the largest national parks in Africa. The importance of the park in terms of biodiversity and cultural heritage requires guaranteeing its socio-ecological integrity. Aware of this situation, the PNBA managers and the Delegation for Fisheries Surveillance and Control at Sea (DSPCM) – now the Mauritanian Coast Guard (GCM) – set up a participatory maritime surveillance system in 1999 with the Imraguen, a local community of desert fishermen.