Information on West African seagrass beds is scarce. As a result, conservation measures to protect these important ecosystems are largely inadequate. The lack of information about West African seagrass is notably the result of a limited number of experts actively involved in research and conservation of seagrass in the region.
Led by Wetlands International, ResilienSEA Strategy 2 – Capacity Building, aims to improve practical knowledge on West Africa’s seagrass beds, and to address the aforementioned information gap. To meet this need, the ResilienSEA project is granting West African youth master students with scholarships for them to strengthen their expertise in coastal ecosystems management in order to generate useful data at the identified pilot sites.
The ResilienSEA scholarship focuses on the sponsorship of four master’s students at renowned universities in West Africa. These universities include the Cheikh Anta Diop University (UCAD) in Dakar and the University of Cape Verde (Uni-CV) in Mindelo. The selected students, who were shortlisted following a rigorous selection process, come from the following countries: Senegal, Mauritania, Guinea Bissau and Guinea. See below the interesting topics our scholarship recipients wish to conduct their research on.